In this online seminar series, we’ll hear from Community Theatre practitioners from around the world. Every town, every country, and every continent has a unique way of working – what lessons can we learn from across our borders? Through sharing stories, strategies, and successes we hope that this free seminar series enriches your own practice.
Join us on Wednesday 28th February, 1pm – 2.00pm for the first seminar, where Patrik Krebs of Divadlo Bez Domova (Theatre With No Home) in Bratislava, Slovakia, will introduce us to his practice.
Divadlo Bez Domova (In their own words)
Our main mission is to work with marginalized communities of citizens in an unconventional creative form using the means of theatre, performing arts, dance, or singing. Divadlo Bez Domova (Theatre with no home) provides a platform for presenting social topics that are being overlooked in the commercial artistic sphere. We combine the artistic with the social in order to help tear down stereotypes that marginalised communities face in society.
DBD was informally founded in 2004 in the course of work on theatrical projects with people without a home and it became registered with the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic on 12.05.2006. We are based in Bratislava where we have organised the International Festival of Homeless Theatre ERROR since 2006. This unique event presents theatre groups where the actors are from different marginalised groups of people.
For some speakers in this series, English is a second language. We ask attendees to bear in mind that different cultures have different accepted terminology, and to be generous with this translation divide.
Important Details
Date: Wednesday 28th February
Time: 1pm – 2.00pm
Prior to the event, you will be sent the Zoom link via email, and information regarding joining the meeting.
This event will be live on Zoom, and we will enable closed captions.
If you have any specific access needs that you would like to discuss with us, such as a request for audio descriptions, or a request for a recording of the zoom, please contact Rosa at and we will work to support your requirements as best we can.