Getting Here
We encourage all visitors to arrive via our Gladstone Street entrance. acta is set slightly behind Gladstone Street, with the entrance visible from outside Gaywood House on Gladstone Street.

The acta site begins past the metal fence – a pair of gates should be open to allow you to come through to our carpark.
For visitors with access needs, we can reserve a parking spot if notified in advance. Our car park has uneven tarmac ground and some gravel.

There are two ways of getting to the main acta building – there are 5 steps that run alongside the building, or a step-free ramp to the left of these steps, beyond the bushes.
The entrance to the building is via a heavy door that opens outwards. The door is usually locked, and a buzzer system with audio only is attached. You may ask for help with the door via the buzzer system, if you need it. If you cannot hear us respond to the buzzer, please press the buzzer button again and somebody will come down to assist you.
The Foyer
Once inside the building, you will see a welcome desk to the right. This is usually unstaffed. Beyond the welcome desk, to the right is a corridor that leads to bathrooms. We will talk more in depth about toilets later.
There will be a pillar just in front of you, to the left.

To the left of you are a set of stairs that lead to our office spaces. These are staff only.

Underneath the staircase are a selection of wheelchairs and walkers – please notify a staff member or volunteer if you’d like to use one and they can retrieve one for you.
The Lift
We have a lift with a door width of 80cm and depth of 140cm. This lift can take a visitor from the ground floor (1) to both the theatre (0), or the office space (2). The lift is well lit and contains a mirror. There is no audio in the lift.

There are three main entrances to toilets in the corridor beyond the welcome desk: men’s, women’s, and a gender neutral single occupancy accessible stall.

The men’s toilet is located on the left hand sign of the corridor. There are two doors that open inwards to access this space. Straight ahead is hand washing basins with soap and paper towels.

There are two urinals to the left, accessed via a step. There is a toilet to the right, with level access.
As with all our toilets, we offer period products free of charge in this space.

The women’s bathroom is on the right hand side of the corridor. The door opens inwards. There are three hand washing basins on the left hand side, with soap available. Paper towels are situated on the opposite wall, behind you as you wash your hands.

There are three cubicles in total in the women’s bathroom: one straight ahead, one to the right, and one to the left. The cubicle on the left hand side has a hand washing basin inside it as well as a toilet, meaning it is more generously sized than the others. Despite it’s size, this bathroom does not have accessibility features in it.

Gender neutral single occupancy accessible stall
This bathroom is just beyond the men’s toilet on the left. The door is a sliding door, and opens from left to right with a bar handle.
Once open, the lock is engaged by pulling up the door handle. There is a baby changing unit located here, on the wall to the left as you enter.
This bathroom has grab rails and an alarm pull cord.

The Meeting Room
Access to the meeting room is either via the lift or up 14 steps.

This space is lit with a mix of natural light and overhead lighting.
There are four large rectangular tables all joined together to make one large table. Armless chairs are available to sit on. If you require a chair with arms please let us know ahead of time and we can arrange this for you.

Often other staff members will pass through the space, or sit at the table to conduct other business or eat lunch. If your meeting is likely to contain the sharing of private information we will seek alternative, more private spaces. Please feel free to request this.