As a Community Theatre, the needs of the public are at the heart of our work. It’s important that our work is relevant and the best way for us to do this is by being guided by you. We’ve compiled a few questions and hope you can take the time to answer, as below. This …
We’re looking to grow our board – we’re looking for trustees with experience in HR, legal, arts and culture, corporate fundraising and environmental sustainability. acta is steered by an active committee of people who volunteer their time to help guide us. Our trustees are responsible for the overall direction, strategy and vision of the charity. …
Starting in May 2023, Bedminster Poetry Group is a series of twelve sessions for new and experienced poetry writers to try new ways of creating work and a space to share it. You’re welcome to join us for all twelve or just pop in when you can. Bedminster Poetry Group will be a testing ground …
Pathway is a group that uses fun, engaging and practical creative techniques to help you achieve your goals, by mapping a journey for you to follow to education, volunteering and employment.You will also have the opportunity to meet new people, hear from colleges and universities, businesses and employers, and support each other in your journey. …
We’re so pleased to let you know that we’ve been awarded the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service – the MBE for voluntary groups. Our amazing volunteers do all sorts: devise and act in our plays, help run our shows, cook dinners for our Making Time group, help steer our work on our board of Trustees… …
Sudafest is a celebration of Sudanese culture. Everyone is welcome at Sudafest – Those with Sudanese heritage and those who want to learn more. We‘ll revel in the breadth and vibrancy of Sudanese culture by coming together with music, food, theatre, dance, workshops, a parade, and more! There’ll be something for all ages, with a …
Join us on Wednesday 29 June, 12.30pm – 2.00pm for the latest in our series of online interactive seminars. For this one, we will be exploring dramaturgy in the context of community theatre – how to take a story devised by a group, and turn it into a script with a clear narrative that ensures …
We are excited to announce the re-opening of acta’s Creative Wellbeing Café. The café will be open on Thursdays from 10.30am to 2.30pm, serving hot drinks, homemade cakes, and a simple lunch. From 11am-1pm you’ll be able to get hands-on with a free creative activity hosted by some wonderful local artists. No experience is needed …